Men's Cohort
A 3 month online cohort intensive designed for men to get their heart back, heal from wounds, and be given a framework for how to live into their manhood in a way that helps not hurts those around them.
Are you ready to walk the ancient path of manhood?
Most men have never been taught how to be one. We see culture shame us, and we see religious circles only tend to feed us stereotypes, tropes, and cliches.
But what if there is a way to learn what it means to be a man, address the things in ourselves we've been too scared to address, and strengthen our spines around a framework that can actually change the trajectory of the rest of our life?
That's what this online 3 month program is. It's an all in, deep dive, rolling up your sleeves kind of program.
12 weeks. 12 Topics. 12 Keynotes. Digital Curriculum. A community of men.
All you need to authentically live winsomely as a man in today's culture.
The cohort will center around 3 things.

Weekly Keynote
The program will center around a weekly keynote by John on that week's curriculum topic. These keynotes will be live Tuesdays 7-9pm EST, but also will be recorded to watch later (we'd say about 60% watch live, and 40% watch the recording).

One of the biggest things men need is a coach for specific moments, roadblocks, and questions. That's why Jon will be setting aside multiple 'office hours' throughout the week where you can text him to answer questions or help you through challenges.

Interact on a daily basis men in the cohort through a private Slack group and other channels. There is nothing like a group of men leaning in together, holding each other accountable, and spurring one another on!
Only 75 spots available for the first cohort
Due to the level of engagement, energy, expertise and coaching we want to provide every man in the cohort, we are only allowing 75 men per cohort. Registration for this cohort closes March 15th, or once we reach 75 members, whichever comes first.
In Person NYC Graduation Meetup
February 24th, 2024
At the end of the cohort we will have a completely free and optional add one bonus day hangout in NYC with Jeff and Jon, that includes a few sessions of free content in the afternoon in the heart of Manhattan at Church of the City offices, and then culminating in a free cigar lounge hangout that night to celebrate and meet each other. NOTE: We don't expect all of the members to attend, this is simply an added value premium if you'd like. We expect 20-25 men at this and make it available for those who want to come!

Why should you listen to us?
Well, you certainly don't have to! But we'd also love to help you. Serving men and creating space for them to get their soul back is a core part of our callings.
We (Jeff& Jon) have a combined 30 years of experience working with and thinking about issues related to men, masculinity, and so on. Jeff leads men and fathers through the online ministry Family Teams, while Jon has been a pastor in New York with a specific call and heart for men for decades.
Hear from other men who've done the cohort.

Sean Faulkner
Hutchinson KS
38 years old
"The cohort for Forming Men was a game changer for me. The teachings from Jon and Jeff are next level stuff that give a great perspective on what a man of God looks like in a world of decline. However, the thing cherished most for me is camaraderie among the group men and the relationships that have continued even after the cohort was done. I am forever grateful."

Jason Smith
Tampa FL
36 years old
"The Forming Men cohort does exactly what it says, it forms men. It helps to form men not into a mold or a one size fits all box, but rather gives them the tools and the resources for current and future development for you as a man spiritually, mentally and physically. I would encourage any man who wants to grow in these areas to join in, especially those who don't know where to start or don't have accountability of other men pursuing after biblical manhood around them to jump in! With weekly deep dives with men literally from around the world and amazing lessons from Tyson and Bethke you will not regret your decision to join the cohort and work towards being the man that your family, your church, your business, and the world needs now more than ever. "
Aaron Tagert
Washington DC
40 years old
"The Forming Men Cohort helped me to reframe how I engage my family and those around me with a renewed sense of Kingdom purpose. It gave me a vision for the man I want to be, the man the world needs me to be, and the man the church so desperately needs. With the loneliness epidemic that we as men are facing, the Forming Men Cohort was the perfect way to break out of isolation and intentionally choose connection with other men, husbands, and fathers. Processing the material together in small group discussions was something I will forever treasure. One of the greatest impacts this cohort has had on me is how it has shaped my approach to men's ministry at my church. I now get to help men catch a vision of the man their family, world, and church need them to be!"
'Waste no more time arguing about what a man should be. Be one.'
-Marcus Aurelius
Join the Online Cohort Waitlist!
We will notify you first when we decide to open registration again for the next cohort!
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