Man on Fire:

Learn to Love God With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

Deep down, most Christian men feel like they’re not measuring up.

That’s because they’re looking at the wrong scoreboard.

The world distracts us with a million claims about what we’re supposed to do, and it feels like we're never doing enough. Jesus gives us ONE command that gives our lives focus and meaning.

This 5-day course will help you silence the noise and focus on the one thing that matters most. 

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Written by Jon Tyson, who…

  • Serves as lead pastor of Church of the City in Manhattan
  • Authored The Intentional Father to help dads raise sons of courage and character 
  • Co-Created Forming Men and Man Year to help men live to their God-given potential

Want a quick look inside before you sign up?

Here’s everything we will cover over the next 5 days:

  • Day #1: Discover God’s Love Language & Your Purpose in Life

  • Day #2: Why Most Men Grow Cold (and how to join the burning minority)

  • Day #3: 2 Soul Traps Men Fall Into (and the toll it takes on their families)

  • Day #4: How to Love God With All Your Mind (through Jazz, Cigars, and Motorcycles)

  • Day #5: The True Meaning of Strength (and why most men waste theirs)

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